The Alabama Historical Radio Society annually participates in the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club BirmingHamfest. The event is held every spring at the Trussville, Alabama Civic Center and showcases ham radio: manufactures display new equipment, BARC members market used equipment and educational forum on radio related topics are offered. The Society provides a display on various antique radio themes, as well as contributing to the educational forum each year. For more details please check out the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club (BARC) website at https://www.w4cue.org.

Amateur Radio Advancement Group
Amateur Radio Advancement (ARA) Group is a Birmingham, Alabama based non-profit organization chartered to promote amateur radio and to further education and capabilities to respond to communication needs.
Follow the link ARA Group to find out more information about ARA Group.
The ARA Group preforms volunteer exam testing for the Birmingahm and Shelby County amateur radio clubs. Testing occurs on the first Sunday of each month at 2pm. Please see the calendar at the website for a list of upcoming test dates and locations.